Doubt Produces Faith

I went to a powerful Sunday celebration yesterday.  The preacher said, “doubt produces faith.” I never saw it that way about doubt at all.  In fact, I thought the reason I have doubts about God, makes me question my own faith.  This just affirms exactly what I have felt all along. That the spirit of God is with me and continues to work in me.  The preacher said, doubt makes our faith stronger.  He said the opposite of faith is non-belief.  And we know many non-believers out there, don’t we?

Because I speak and I talk as if I had authority, I have been met with resistance not only with believers, but non-believers alike.  It’s terrible what a secular world can do to you.  It’s like being gay and not wanting to come out.  The truth is, Christians are the worst persecuted religion especially if we compare our religion to other religions, in our right to express ourselves.  (this by human standards).

This is to end this blog shortly and just say… Do not shoot the messenger. As believers and followers of Jesus, we are all His messengers.  Please, don’t allow them to silence you.

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